September 30, 2023 marked the end of SME4SMARTCITIES – Mediterranean SME working together to make cities smarter, the project funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED program, which over a period of four years led to the implementation of various services and initiatives to support SMEs (an acronym for small and medium enterprises, also known as SMEs) aimed at cooperation between Mediterranean cities and the promotion of smarter and more sustainable models of cities.
SME4SMARTCITIES, which we had already discussed in this article, is not limited to the cities involved in the project (Murcia and Málaga in Spain, Genoa in Italy, Tel Aviv and Kfar Saba in Israel, and Ramallah in Palestine) but aims, through the official web platform sme4smartcities. eu, to cultivate a collaborative network and a space for discussion on (and for) smart cities, creating a virtual community of users, companies and institutions that can, on the one hand, benefit from the activities and tools already implemented and the materials produced during the project and, on the other hand, share in turn good practices in the field of technological innovation in the urban sphere, triggering a virtuous circle of progress and constructive interchange of ideas and solutions.
The platform, originally dedicated only to project participants and now open to any SME or public entity working in the smart city sector, also includes a database of stakeholder contacts (public officials, companies, start-ups and incubators, universities, programs and research and development entities) to encourage and facilitate the creation of synergies to promote innovation and growth in our cities. It also serves as an aggregator of national and international events in the smart city sector and other training, co-creation and financing opportunities dedicated to SMEs from the Mediterranean Basin territories.
The site makes available to registered users the entire archive of outputs generated over the four years of SME4SMARTCITIES, from information material on the project to training tools developed by experts, with special reference to the seven “Smart City Solutions” already implemented (discover them here).
If you work for an SME in the innovation sector or hold public office in the areas concerned, you too can join the SME4SMARTCITIES e-community, interact with other members and take advantage of the available multimedia resources by registering for free on the portal (you can download the platform’s user manual at this link).