Personal Information:

Name: Bayan Abdul Haleem Mahmoud Al-Akhdar

Mobile Number: (+972)599081833

Facebook Page:

Address: Hebron/Al-Haras/Entrance of Rishdiyah School

About the Project:

“Hayati for Gifts” is a project that involves utilizing and recycling everything related to wood and acrylic to create artistic and heritage pieces for occasions, decorations for stores, homes, and institutions. The project started in 2019, evolving from a hobby of drawing, line work, and design into innovative and sophisticated products. The range expanded from custom-made medals, car ornaments, and murals to incense burners, gift boxes, decorations for all occasions, door hangings, informative plaques for home entrances, office identification stands, and many other products. The project began online and from home, eventually leading to the opening of a small workshop to serve customers.

Materials Used:

Every possible material is utilized for work, including wood, plastic, acrylic, accessories, stones, paper, and flowers. Emphasis is placed on utilizing every small piece to create new and useful products.


Transforming any idea into a design through drawing and visualizing the final shape. Using design and drawing software to reach the modification and execution stage for the best results.

Experience and Participation:

Participating in various meetings and courses with the Chamber of Commerce to develop skills and renew ideas.

Participating in several national exhibitions and bazaars.

Engaging in meetings with the Women’s Activity Association in Hebron.

Participating in the CARIS MED project with Birzeit University.

Involvement in the Creativity and Innovation Laboratory.

Future Plans:

Seeking to develop the business by introducing modern machines and equipment for work and utilizing everything possible for sustainability and recycling of all scraps.

Working on developing filters for laser cutting smoke using several stages of sponge and natural charcoal to preserve the environment and promote green sustainability.

Utilizing wood waste for heating purposes.

Bayan Profile In Arabic: