In the context of Mediterranean countries, the transition to circular economy practices emerges as a crucial catalyst for addressing environmental challenges, on the one hand, and for generating opportunities for economic growth and contributing to the well-being of local communities, on the other.
INNOMED-UP has enabled the launch of a series of pilot projects in the area of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) in six different cities in as many countries in the Mediterranean region, developed through the creation of social innovation clusters, i.e., collaborative aggregations of stakeholders such as businesses, universities, public institutions, communities, corporations, and nonprofits, who cooperate to jointly address complex social, economic, and environmental issues and build sustainable, cutting-edge solutions that have a positive impact on society.
The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), the lead beneficiary of the INNOMED-UP project, chose the historic center of Athens as the site for experimentation, an area characterized by a strong concentration of SMEs active in traditional crafts (ceramics, leather goods, goldsmithing, woodworking) that has also seen a growing settlement of CCI professionals (designers, architects, artists) in recent years. Ten Smart Bins (smart bins) have been installed in this area for the collection of waste materials such as fabric scraps, leather, plastic, metal and electronic parts, and paper, the collection of which is facilitated by the presence of a “smart bicycle.”
The City of Prato has also placed ten Smart Bins in strategic locations in the city, known for its thriving textile industry. Five of them serve not only as collection stations, but also as sorting, processing and upcycle stations. The Smart Bins are located in close proximity to public, private and nonprofit entities to encourage the creation of new synergies and cross-collaborations between CCIs, and have helped dispose of large volumes of clothing, textiles and leather, as well as plastic and rubber.
The pilot cluster in Palermo was developed by CRESM – Centro Ricerche Economiche e Sociali per il Meridione (Economic and Social Research Center for the South) in two different areas in the city, the historic center within the ancient walls and the early 20th century industrial area that now houses the Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, with a satellite spin-off in the village of Castelbuono. An Innomed-Up info point has sprung up at NOZ – New Zisa Workshops, an office dedicated to CCIs and those interested in the circular economy that provides information and advice on calls for proposals, membership in Euro-Mediterranean networks and the drafting of projects and business plans. The info point also allows sharing of equipment and exchange of best practices for the development of sustainable production models.
You can discover the pilot projects implemented in the cities of Irbid (Jordan), Hebron and Nablus (Palestine) and Tunis on the official website and through the videos and documents made available on the ENI CBC MED platform.