Training activities in Athens are promoting circularity and new technologies

Following the analysis and scope of CARISMED project in the case of Athens, the Local Culture and Creative Industries engaged are coming from the construction sector, and architecture practices. The needs highlighted towards the efficiency of the trainings are connected with the subjects of sustainability, circular economy practices, computational design, and participatory design processes. On the one hand the expectations of Local CCI SMEs are concentrated on the theoretical aspect and understanding of methodologies and good practices. The configuration of analogies in practice of action in the same context, both physical and legislative, is implied as a thematic of great interest. On the other hand, the constant doubt of local practices gathers the question of how they will able to adopt new technologies which could potentially promote circular economy and sustainability. Towards this uncertainty, new design tools such as BIM softwares (Building Information Models) could improve their performance. Training activities were successfully completed through collaboration of the two Greek partners, the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES). Experts from the sectors of architecture, spatial development, circular economy and recycling were present to spread the important axis of circularity through different aspects. The training activities’ selection of topics was made based on the needs expressed by CCI SMEs during the World Café held in Athens in Nov.2022, related to: 1. Networking & clustering, 2. Circular, smart, green and/or sustainable practices and 3. Proximity & spatial reuse. The main topics introduced during the training activities were:

A. Circular Economy practices and tools for the urban environment in Mediterranean
Cities – The CARISMED ENI CBC project.
B. Improving the energy efficiency performance of buildings through a Building
Information Model (BIM)
C. Circular economy policies and examples of good circular economy practices
D. Examples of participatory design

The courses took place both physically and remotely, according to online synchronous e-
learning, in December 2023, with one physical-presence training (11/12/2023), hosted by
CRES and three online courses of 6 hours length (12, 13, 14/12/2023), hosted by NTUA,
encouraging people to participate even during working hours. The activities were organized


Videos training material

CARISMED _ PROGRAMMA (12-14.12.2023) Circular economy policies and examples of good circular economy practices
