BZU Launching Training Activities for SMEs on LCARS of Abandoned Buildings for Creating CCI Innovation Lab in Hebron City, Palestine.

BZU team of Capitalization for Re-setting Innovation and Sustainability in Med-Cities (CARISMED) project, launches Awareness and Training Activities for SMEs on LCARS of Abandoned Buildings for Creating CCI Innovation Lab in Hebron City. These Activities are programed to be implemented in four days scheduled as follows:

  1. Networking & Clustering (23/7/2023).
  2. Circular, Smart, Green, and Sustainable Practices (30/7/2023).
  3. Proximity & Spatial Re-use. This topic is divided into two days: the first one in 6/8/2023, and the second in 13/8/2023.

These workshops aims to raise awareness and provide training to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hebron city about the concept of circular economy and the role of creative and cultural crafts in urban settings. The training also aims to develop skills in using innovative methods and tools for capacity building in recycling, promoting innovative business models, and designing solutions that align with the principles of circular economy. Ultimately, the goal is to create a purposeful experimental creative workshop through adaptive low-cost reuse (LCARS) of a selected old building in Hebron city.

On 23 July 2023, the Department of Architectural Engineering and Planning at Birzeit University, as part of iCARISMED project activities, conducted the first workshop at Al-Amm Saleh Hall in Hebron, the event was entitled: “Networking & Clustering”.

At the opening of the Launching Training Activities, representatives from Stakeholders of the city, such as the Hebron Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hebron Governorate, Hebron Municipality, and Hebron rehabilitation committee was attended. As well as fifteen craftsmen from various trades participated in the workshop.

The trainers presented various topics and interesting training materials such as clustering and sectoral coordination, Studio labs: what and why, Green Building: concept and implementation, Urban sustainability strategies, Smart buildings practices, and Adaptive reuse of buildings: what and why.

At the end of the workshop, the floor was opened for deep discussion between stakeholders, trainers and BZU team in term how different parties can cooperate to achieve the objectives of the project, and the methodology of craftsmen participation in the execution of the studio lab.

Links for the project activities:

The CARISMED is funded by the #EU under ENI CBC Med Programme to the support of the EU/Programme

#CARISMED #ICARISMED_Mediterranean #Capitalization_CARISMED

#Sustainability #Innovation #CircularEconomy #DigitalTransformation

#EU #Mediterranean #ENICBCMED

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