Disseminating the promising and Successful Results

One of CARISMED project objectives is to review and document the successful and promising results of the projects INNOMED-UP, MAIA-TAQA and SME4SMARTCITIES, as well as UNDERGROUND4VALUE. The proved practices will be utilized in the abandoned buildings based on the needs of each building to illustrate a live pilot about the multi benefits of these practices. […]

Studio Lab in Al-Zahara Park

SMEs from Jordan who have been trained through the project are explaining with enthusiasm their experience in the rehabilitated Studio Lab in Al-Zahara Park and their role in furnishing the place through producing attractive products out of recycled materials. Moreover, they explained the supply chain they used to get the raw materials and market the […]

Future Pioneers from Jordan managed to implement the first pilot in Irbid for a Studio Lab

Future Pioneers روّاد المستقبل لتمكين افراد المجتمعات from Jordan managed to implement the first pilot in Irbid for a Studio Lab using LCARS strategy to be a pilot model. The location is an old building located in Al-Zahra’a Park in Irbid owned by Greater Irbid Municipality. Future Pioneers engineering team in cooperation with the trained […]

CARISMED- FPEC Al Zahra Park Building LCARS Presentation

Low-Cost Adaptive Reuse (LCARS) is a new concept not only for the SMEs , but also for majority of the people. This has motivated Future Pioneers from Jordan to develop a virtual reality video to show the different LCARS measures that will be implemented in an abandoned building to be used as a studio lab […]


Future Pioneers روّاد المستقبل لتمكين افراد المجتمعات from Jordan conducted a consolidation workshop on Sep 26, 2023 at the premises of Greater Irbid Municipality; gathered representatives from the municipality and the SMEs who attended the LCARS training. This workshop was a good opportunity to discuss the proposed measures that will be implemented at Al-Zhra’a Park […]